Glenlea Charolais Winton bull sale will offer 40 bulls
Polled, white and red, types to suit vealers to bullocks.
Full health treatments and semen tested
Glenlea will celebrate 50 years of breeding Charolais in 2023.The stud was relocated to Guyra, NSW in 2010 from Tasmania.
Many years of carcass competitions, Grassfed trials and exhibiting stud cattle helped refine our herd.
Glenlea cattle as a type are highly adaptable, naturally good doing and have thrived in many environments from coastal NSW and the tablelands to the western regions of NSW, North to Western and Central Queensland.
These traits have been bred into our cattle for generations and we have eliminated, overly large framed, hard to finish cattle completely from our herd.
Roderick Binny 0409911791
Roderick Binny
, Australia