We aim to breed high quality rams with the commercial breeder in mind. Easy lambing, long living, long lasting rams that breed a lamb that grows quickly and has a high value in the market place either over the hooks or at the saleyards. Our stock have strong figures and visual traits and are designed to be low maintenance and very hardy with strong survival traits. We also offer an excellent health package, designed to keep our rams going stronger for longer. Our flocks are registered and Brucellosis accredited. Rams come with immunity to protect them against the main sheep diseases. Fully protected with GlanEry 7in1, Footvax, Gudair and Bovilis MH SS RTU as lambs.
Our White Suffolk offer superior length and weight. Structurally sound sheep bread in Australia for Australian conditions. A big bodied, big frames sheep with excellent structure for easy lambing. Clean points and tight wool to avoid seed contamination.
Charollais can not be beaten for their easy lambing. The produce a lamb that is highly desirable due to high meat yields, 50-55%. This makes them the ideal breed when selling over the hooks. Sell them at a lower weight or grow them out for premium value. Produce the lamb the buyer wants.
Vortex White Suffolk
14 Mair Street
, Australia