FOR UP TO DATE BOOKINGS PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE http://www.sullivanlivestock. upcoming-livestock-sales/
** PLEASE NOTE: Numbers may change pending weather conditions **
Your attendance is invited & recommended.
Dan Sullivan 0408 883 921, Bill Nolan 0417 190 664, Pat Sullivan 0439 958 450, Darryl Fitzgerald 0438 863 230 Maddy Carter 0477 080 968, Ethan Carter 0427 561 923 SullivaN livEStoCk & RuRal SERviCES Phone: (07) 5482 9252
Featuring A/c Bongmuller Partnership
78 Red & Grey Brahman Heifers No. 3’s (weaned & tailed)
15 Quality Brahman heifers PtiC angus Bull
20 Grey Brahman Heifers running with angus Bull
20 x 20 Droughtmaster Cows with Char x Calves
20 x 20 No.1 D/Master heifers with Char x Calves
15 x 15 Brahman x Cows & Calves
10 x 10 Char x Hiefers with Simm x Calves
20 D/Master Heifers PtiC Simbrah Bull
20 Brahman Heifers PtiC to low birth Charolais Bull
15 Brangus Heifers 12mths
30 D/Master Heifers 12 – 16 mths
tHuRSDaY 21St SEPtEMBER 10am at Woolooga Saleyards
500 CATTLe BooKeD 500
Dan Sullivan
1204 Bauple Woolooga Road
South Burnett
4650, Australia