Stud Profile : Tivoli Angus

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  • Tivoli Angus Bull Sale

    Start Date & Time : 08/08/2024 01:00 PM

  • Introduction

    Growth and performance lies at the heart of the Tivoli Angus stud herd which is run in conjunction with their commercial Angus breeding operation, Springfield Merriwa Pastoral Company.

    Tivoli Angus stud owners Hugh and Annie Kraefft established the stud in 2012 with the goal to breed seedstock that would adapt to a range of environments, to align with top end markets and be in the top 10 per cent of profitable beef production.

    The stud has been developed from purchases of top-class females, embryos and bulls from Patawalla, Millah Murrah, Wattletop, KO, Premier and Stoney Point Angus studs.

    "The cattle we produce must be highly fertile, structurally correct, quiet in temperament and easy-doing types with high meat quality and carcase traits," Mr Kraefft said. "We must have efficient females that calve down at two years old and successfully rear a calf each year."

    They began with the purchase of 23 females from the dispersal of Patawalla stud, Rylstone. Mr Kraefft said Patawalla was focused on producing females with calving ease, good muscle and high performance.

    In 2013, the herd was expanded to include Millah Murrah Angus genetics through purchases of cows and embryos. Fifty Wattletop Angus stud cows were added in 2014 and 15 more cows were purchased at the two Wattletop dispersal sales in 2017 and 2018. More recently, they've added females from Premier and Stoney Point dispersals.

    Mr Kraefft said Millah Murrah genetics have produced a muscular, easy-doing type of beef animal for them. He said their ideas align with their own stud breeding objectives.

    "We've purchased additional cows and embryos at the 2017 and 2023 Millah Murrah cow sales," he said.

    "Our standout purchase was Millah Murrah Flower S13 for $90,000. This cow has a lovely pedigree to accompany her femininity and style. She is long and deep with a superb Angus phenotype."


    Then to now

    Tivoli Angus stud bulls and a selection of high quality, classed females are sold at their on-farm spring bull sale held in early August each year. This year's sale is at 1pm on Thursday, August 8, with an open day to inspect the bulls and females on the prior Thursday, August 1.

    Tivoli Angus bulls have been bred using top Australian and overseas genetics. Mr Kraefft said if you are after growth and performance in your cattle then consider a Tivoli Angus bull this year.

    Angus sires featured include Millah Murrah Paratrooper, Dunoon Prime Minister, Texas Iceman, Millah Murrah Quixote Q96 and Chiltern Park Moe.

    "These bulls have excellent structure and muscle, and high growth," Mr Kraefft said.

    Other sires represented are Rennylea Picasso, Landfall Mainland Q494, Milwillah Napa, Stoney Point Quantum Q359, Millah Murrah Nectar N334 and Millah Murrah Quentin Q166.

    "The latter bulls add variation and include extra marbling and eye muscle."

    Growth and top females

    The Tivoli Angus female herd has grown to 350 stud cows. A progression which can only be attributed to stringent selection pressures and the injection of some of Australia's best Angus dam lines.

    Mr Kraefft said extreme selection pressure is placed on the herd using objective counsel to bring only the best breeding stock through. Utilising the expertise of Dick Whale, and also Rob Tindall, Tivoli Angus' in-house stud consultant, they are constantly assessing the cattle. Their farm manager Rick Porter has great skills in identifying standout cattle.

    "Good feet and structure are a high priority on our soft black soils, so it's an ideal environment to put our cattle to the test."

    Put to the test

    Springfield runs between 500 to 600 commercial Angus breeders. Each year a high percentage of yearling Tivoli Angus bulls are put to the test prior to sale.

    "This allows us to focus on bulls that are quick to recover post-joining, and we can offer our clients bulls that are proven in the paddock."

    Tivoli Angus believe in functional, fertile and quality cattle that stand up to the task of producing quality beef.

    "We believe strongly in our stud operation being totally aligned with commercial operations."

    Our next sale catalogue can be viewed HERE