Features include:
- Premium display on Stud page
- Detailed profile
- Link your stud profile to your Agents profiles
- Unlimited classified in livestock for sale
- Unlimited listings in the event calendar
- Instant text/email notifications to subscribers when you update your profile
- Easily share your classifieds/events to social media
Annual Subscription fee : $330 inc gst

Features include:
- Premium display on the Agents page
- Detailed profile
- Link your agent profile to your clients stud profiles
- Unlimited classified in livestock for sale
- Display your weekly sale reports
- Instant text/email notifications to subscribers when you update your profile
- Easily share your classifieds to social media
- Add an Event Listing subscription to ensure your events are listed on our calendars – ask your ACM Stock & Property Representative for detail
Annual Subscription fee : $330 inc gst